Collection size: 202
Structured List
Data Science Principles
Computational Biology
Geospatial Analytics
Machine Learning
Unix command line tools on macOS
Unix command line tools on Windows
Configuring your Linux system
Must-have software
Basic office software
Basic developer tools
Basic developer libraries
Installations on MacBook Pro
Installations on Windows
Installations on Linux
System info and access permissions
Superuser command: sudo
SED – replace pattern in stream text
AWK – advanced text processing
UNIX Commands
Setting up RStudio
Introduction to Bash scripting
Process multiple files
Introduction to regular expression
Introduction to Python programming
Introduction to R programming
Introduction to Julia programming
XSEDE supercell storage
SCINet: Atlas computing cluster
SCINet: Ceres computing cluster
SCINet: Juno storage
ISU HPC Network
ISU HPC: Condo computing cluster
ISU HPC: Nova computing cluster
ISU HPC: LSS system
Example .bashrc file configuration
Software Available on HPC
Accessing pre-installed modules
Introduction to job scheduling
SLURM: basics of workload manager
Introduction to SLURM
SLURM commands
PBS: Portable Batch System
PBS commands
Creating PBS job submission scripts
Submitting dependency jobs using PBS
Introduction to GNU parallel
Modifying existing containers
Singularity on your Mac via Vagrant
Remote data access
Remote data transfer
File transfer using irods
Remote data download
Downloading Online Data using WGET
Downloading online data using API
Data manipulation
Create index for all worksheets
Read, write, split, select data
Data wrangling: use ready-made apps
Raster graphics tools
Vector graphics tools
Adobe creative cloud
Template-based web tools
Gnuplot: filled curves
Creating XY scatter plot
Creating 1D volcano plot
Creating heatmap
Creating dendrogram
Creating clustergram
Creating boxplots in R
Creating heatmaps in R
Project Design vs Project Framework
Collaboration & Communication
Team communication tools
Introduction to Slack
Resource Management
Data Management
Open Science policy
FAIR principles
CARE principles
TRUST principles
GIT Commands
Introduction to GitHub
GitHub - getting started
Introduction to BitBucket
Tools for research documentation
Tools for code documentation
Introduction to Markdown
Quality Assurance
Monitoring & Evaluation
Enhancing productivity in research
Reproducibility in research
Research reproducibility guideline
Project Closing
Research Publication
Alphabetical List
- 01: Introduction to Data Science
- 02: Setting Up Computing Machine
- 03: Introduction to Command Line
- 04: Development Environment
- 05: Introduction to Programming
- 06: High-Performance Computing (HPC)
- 07: Data Acquisition and Wrangling
- 08: Data Visualization
- 09: Project Management
- Code Development & Management
- Data Management
- Documentation improvement tools
- Storage & Version Control
- A Practical guide to managing research documentation
- ACCESS - an advanced computing and data resource program
- AWK – advanced text processing
- Accessing pre-installed modules
- Accessing software via package manager
- Adobe creative cloud
- Aggregate data over slicing variations
- Applications of Computational Science
- Apptainer: the container system for secure HPC
- BIOAWK – biological data manipulation
- Base R - core functionality for statistical computing
- Base R Graphics - traditional statistical graphing
- Basic Commands: navigation, file creation & preview
- Basic developer libraries
- Basic developer tools
- Basic office software
- Basics of Algorithm Structure
- CARE principles
- Collaboration & Communication
- Command Line text files editors: nano, vim
- Computational Biology
- Configuring your Linux system
- Copying Data using Graphical Interface: Globus
- Copying Data via SSH using Command Line: scp, rsync
- Create index for all worksheets
- Create worksheet from multiple text files
- Creating 1D volcano plot
- Creating PBS job submission scripts
- Creating SLURM job submission scripts
- Creating XY scatter plot
- Creating boxplots in R
- Creating clustergram
- Creating containers using Singularity
- Creating dendrogram
- Creating heatmap
- Creating heatmaps in R
- Creating heatmaps in R using ComplexHeatmap
- DIFF, COMM, CMP – comparing and collating two files with Unix
- Data Management Plan
- Data Science Principles
- Data manipulation
- Data wrangling: use ready-made apps
- Docker - accelerated container application development
- Downloading Online Data using WGET
- Downloading a single folder or file from GitHub
- Downloading online data using API
- Downloading online data using Python-based web scraping
- Downloading online repos using GIT: [GitHub, Bitbucket, SourceForge]
- Enhancing productivity in research
- Example .bashrc file configuration
- Export multiple worksheets as separate text files
- FAIR principles
- File transfer using irods
- GIT - a distributed version control system
- GIT Commands
- GREP – simple search for regular expressions
- Geospatial Analytics
- Getting started with Jupyter Notebook on HPC systems
- Getting started with JupyterLab on a local machine
- Getting started with UNIX + video + exercises
- GitHub - getting started
- GitHub - getting started (class exercise)
- Gnuplot: creating plots in the UNIX Shell
- Gnuplot: filled curves
- Gnuplot: variables, loops, conditionals
- ISU HPC Network
- ISU HPC: Condo computing cluster
- ISU HPC: LSS system
- ISU HPC: Nova computing cluster
- Installations on Linux
- Installations on MacBook Pro
- Installations on Windows
- Installing custom programs in user space
- Integrated & Interactive Development Environment (IDE)
- Introduction to Bash scripting
- Introduction to BitBucket
- Introduction to Dash
- Introduction to GNU parallel
- Introduction to GitHub
- Introduction to HPC infrastructure
- Introduction to Julia programming
- Introduction to Markdown
- Introduction to Plotly
- Introduction to Project Management
- Introduction to Python programming
- Introduction to R programming
- Introduction to SLURM
- Introduction to Slack
- Introduction to UNIX Shell: configuration, variables, home dir
- Introduction to containers
- Introduction to job scheduling
- Introduction to regular expression
- Introduction to scientific graphic design
- Introduction to scientific graphing
- JSON module - encoding & decoding JSON data
- Julia setup: installation, environments and Jupyter integration
- Jupyter Lab: create an interactive Python notebook
- Jupyter: interactive web-based multi-kernel DE
- Local Python setup on your computing machine
- Machine Learning
- Manipulating Excel data sheets
- Manipulating text files with Python
- Math module - various mathematical functions
- Merge files by common column
- Merge two spreadsheets using a common column
- Modifying existing containers
- Monitoring & Evaluation
- Mounting remote folder on a local machine
- Must-have software
- NumPy library - multi-dimensional arrays parser
- Online Console: simple Python code in a browser
- Online Notebook: interactive Python on Try-jupyter and Colab
- Online hosting platforms for GIT repositories
- Open On Demand (OOD) Connection
- Open Science policy
- Open-Close & Read-Write of data files
- Operating System (OS) installation
- Overview of essential tools for modern research
- PBS commands
- PBS: Portable Batch System
- Pandas library - data structure manipulation tool
- Plotly graphing - interactive examples in the JupyterLab
- Plotly-Dash: interactive plotting with Python
- Process multiple files
- Project Closing
- Project Design vs Project Framework
- Project strategy and risk management
- PyCharm: IDE for professional Python developers
- Python programming environment(s)
- Quality Assurance
- R programming environment(s)
- RStudio – data processing & plotting with R
- RStudio: integrated environment for R programming
- Raster graphics tools
- Read, write, split, select data
- Remote Access to HPC resources
- Remote data access
- Remote data download
- Remote data preview
- Remote data transfer
- Reproducibility in research
- Research Publication
- Research reproducibility guideline
- Resource Management
- SCINet Scientific Computing: HPC, high-speed networking and training
- SCINet: Atlas computing cluster
- SCINet: Ceres computing cluster
- SCINet: Juno storage
- SED – replace pattern in stream text
- SLURM commands
- SLURM: basics of workload manager
- SSH shortcuts and password-less login
- SciPy library - algorithms for scientific computing
- Secure Shell Connection (SSH)
- Setting up RStudio
- Setting up your home directory for data analysis
- Sharing Jupyter-based reproducible pipline via MyBinder
- Shell & IDLE: Python code in a terminal or simple IDE
- Singularity
- Singularity on your Mac via Vagrant
- Software Available on HPC
- Split data or create data chunks
- Submitting dependency jobs using PBS
- Submitting dependency jobs using SLURM
- Superuser command: sudo
- System info and access permissions
- TRUST principles
- Team communication tools
- Template-based web tools
- Terminal - an interface for command-line operations
- Text editors: create Python code in terminal text files
- Tools for code documentation
- Tools for research documentation
- UNIX Commands
- Unix command line tools on Windows
- Unix command line tools on macOS
- Useful text manipulation programs
- Various methods of software installation
- Vector graphics tools
- Viewing PDF and PNG files using X11 SSH connection
- Viewing graphics in a terminal as the text-based ASCII art
- Viewing text files using UNIX commands
- Virtual Private Network (VPN) Connection
- Visual Studio Code: multi-language integrated DE (VSC)
- XSEDE supercell storage
- data.table - aggregation and manipulation of large data sets
- dplyr - data manipulation and transformation
- ggplot2 - customizable graphs and charts
- tidyverse - advanced data manipulation, exploration and visualization
Filter by Category:
Jupyter: interactive web-based multi-kernel DE
05: Introduction to Programming
Basics of Algorithm Structure
Introduction to Bash scripting
Process multiple files
Introduction to regular expression
Software Available on HPC
Accessing pre-installed modules
Data manipulation
Introduction to scientific graphing
Gnuplot: creating plots in the UNIX Shell
Gnuplot: variables, loops, conditionals
Gnuplot: filled curves
Code Development & Management
Storage & Version Control
GIT - a distributed version control system
GIT Commands
Online hosting platforms for GIT repositories
Introduction to GitHub
GitHub - getting started
GitHub - getting started (class exercise)
Introduction to BitBucket
Documentation improvement tools
A Practical guide to managing research documentation
Tools for research documentation
Tools for code documentation
Quality Assurance
Monitoring & Evaluation
Enhancing productivity in research
Reproducibility in research
Research reproducibility guideline
Project Closing
Research Publication
Unix command line tools on macOS
Unix command line tools on Windows
Configuring your Linux system
03: Introduction to Command Line
Terminal - an interface for command-line operations
Introduction to UNIX Shell: configuration, variables, home dir
Basic Commands: navigation, file creation & preview
Command Line text files editors: nano, vim
System info and access permissions
Superuser command: sudo
Getting started with UNIX + video + exercises
Useful text manipulation programs
GREP – simple search for regular expressions
SED – replace pattern in stream text
AWK – advanced text processing
BIOAWK – biological data manipulation
DIFF, COMM, CMP – comparing and collating two files with Unix
UNIX Commands
Shell & IDLE: Python code in a terminal or simple IDE
Text editors: create Python code in terminal text files
Basics of Algorithm Structure
Introduction to Bash scripting
Process multiple files
Introduction to regular expression
Julia setup: installation, environments and Jupyter integration
Introduction to HPC infrastructure
Secure Shell Connection (SSH)
SSH shortcuts and password-less login
Open On Demand (OOD) Connection
Setting up your home directory for data analysis
Example .bashrc file configuration
Software Available on HPC
Accessing pre-installed modules
Accessing software via package manager
Installing custom programs in user space
Introduction to job scheduling
SLURM: basics of workload manager
Introduction to SLURM
SLURM commands
Creating SLURM job submission scripts
Submitting dependency jobs using SLURM
PBS: Portable Batch System
PBS commands
Creating PBS job submission scripts
Submitting dependency jobs using PBS
Introduction to GNU parallel
Apptainer: the container system for secure HPC
Creating containers using Singularity
Modifying existing containers
Singularity on your Mac via Vagrant
07: Data Acquisition and Wrangling
Remote data access
Remote data transfer
Copying Data using Graphical Interface: Globus
Copying Data via SSH using Command Line: scp, rsync
File transfer using irods
Remote data download
Downloading Online Data using WGET
Downloading online data using API
Downloading online data using Python-based web scraping
Remote data preview
Viewing text files using UNIX commands
Viewing PDF and PNG files using X11 SSH connection
Viewing graphics in a terminal as the text-based ASCII art
Mounting remote folder on a local machine
Data manipulation
Manipulating text files with Python
Read, write, split, select data
Data wrangling: use ready-made apps
Merge files by common column
Aggregate data over slicing variations
Split data or create data chunks
Must-have software
Various methods of software installation
Introduction to HPC infrastructure
ACCESS - an advanced computing and data resource program
XSEDE supercell storage
SCINet Scientific Computing: HPC, high-speed networking and training
SCINet: Atlas computing cluster
SCINet: Ceres computing cluster
SCINet: Juno storage
ISU HPC Network
ISU HPC: Condo computing cluster
ISU HPC: Nova computing cluster
ISU HPC: LSS system
Remote Access to HPC resources
Virtual Private Network (VPN) Connection
Secure Shell Connection (SSH)
SSH shortcuts and password-less login
Open On Demand (OOD) Connection
Software Available on HPC
Accessing pre-installed modules
Accessing software via package manager
Installing custom programs in user space
Introduction to job scheduling
SLURM: basics of workload manager
Introduction to SLURM
SLURM commands
Creating SLURM job submission scripts
Submitting dependency jobs using SLURM
PBS: Portable Batch System
PBS commands
Creating PBS job submission scripts
Submitting dependency jobs using PBS
Introduction to GNU parallel
Introduction to containers
Apptainer: the container system for secure HPC
Creating containers using Singularity
Modifying existing containers
Singularity on your Mac via Vagrant
Docker - accelerated container application development
Remote data access
Remote data transfer
Copying Data using Graphical Interface: Globus
Copying Data via SSH using Command Line: scp, rsync
File transfer using irods
Remote data download
Downloading Online Data using WGET
Downloading online data using API
Downloading online data using Python-based web scraping
Downloading online repos using GIT: [GitHub, Bitbucket, SourceForge]
Downloading a single folder or file from GitHub
Remote data preview
Viewing text files using UNIX commands
Viewing PDF and PNG files using X11 SSH connection
Viewing graphics in a terminal as the text-based ASCII art
Mounting remote folder on a local machine
Enhancing productivity in research
Reproducibility in research
Research reproducibility guideline
07: Data Acquisition and Wrangling
Remote data access
Remote data download
Downloading Online Data using WGET
Downloading online data using API
Downloading online data using Python-based web scraping
Downloading online repos using GIT: [GitHub, Bitbucket, SourceForge]
Downloading a single folder or file from GitHub
Data Management
Open Science policy
FAIR principles
CARE principles
TRUST principles
Data Management Plan
Documentation improvement tools
A Practical guide to managing research documentation
Tools for research documentation
Quality Assurance
Monitoring & Evaluation
Enhancing productivity in research
Reproducibility in research
Research reproducibility guideline
Project Closing
Research Publication
Jupyter Lab: create an interactive Python notebook
Open-Close & Read-Write of data files
JSON module - encoding & decoding JSON data
Math module - various mathematical functions
Pandas library - data structure manipulation tool
NumPy library - multi-dimensional arrays parser
SciPy library - algorithms for scientific computing
Introduction to R programming
Base R - core functionality for statistical computing
Base R Graphics - traditional statistical graphing
ggplot2 - customizable graphs and charts
dplyr - data manipulation and transformation
tidyverse - advanced data manipulation, exploration and visualization
data.table - aggregation and manipulation of large data sets
07: Data Acquisition and Wrangling
Data manipulation
Manipulating Excel data sheets
Create worksheet from multiple text files
Export multiple worksheets as separate text files
Create index for all worksheets
Merge two spreadsheets using a common column
Manipulating text files with Python
Read, write, split, select data
Data wrangling: use ready-made apps
Merge files by common column
Aggregate data over slicing variations
Split data or create data chunks
XSEDE supercell storage
SCINet: Atlas computing cluster
SCINet: Ceres computing cluster
SCINet: Juno storage
ISU HPC: Condo computing cluster
ISU HPC: Nova computing cluster
ISU HPC: LSS system
Software Available on HPC
Remote data access
Remote data transfer
Copying Data using Graphical Interface: Globus
Copying Data via SSH using Command Line: scp, rsync
File transfer using irods