Image sources

  • original - designed solely by the author or used original assets
  • created - significantly modified by the author based on the original assets
  • adjusted - slightly altered, e.g., resized, cropped, etc.

GitHub location: datascience-workbook/assets/images/

filename status author original source items
data_science_section_gallery.png adjusted Aleksandra Badaczewska Adobe Stock 429998837
command_line_section_gallery.png created Aleksandra Badaczewska Adobe Stock 79314639 ; 314046170
computer_setup_section_gallery.png adjusted Aleksandra Badaczewska Adobe Stock 225829756
developer_software_section_gallery.png adjusted Aleksandra Badaczewska Adobe Stock 267524919
programming_intro_section_gallery.png adjusted Aleksandra Badaczewska Adobe Stock 236631818
intro_to_hpc_section_gallery.png adjusted Aleksandra Badaczewska Adobe Stock 350467127
data_wrangling_section_gallery.png adjusted Aleksandra Badaczewska Adobe Stock 276394533
data_vizualization_section_gallery.png adjusted Aleksandra Badaczewska Adobe Stock 242020657
project_menagement_section_gallery.png created Aleksandra Badaczewska Adobe Stock 329233013

Banners for Homepage tabs (Workbook, About, Index, Glossary, People):

GitHub location: datascience-workbook/assets/images/

filename status author original source items
data_science_workbook_banner.png created Aleksandra Badaczewska Adobe Stock 429998837
data_science_about_banner.png created Aleksandra Badaczewska Adobe Stock 470318441

Section 01 - Introduction to Data Science:

GitHub location: datascience-workbook/01-IntroToDataScience/assets/images

Title Banners

filename status author original source items
01_data_science_banner.png created Aleksandra Badaczewska Adobe Stock 262173764 ; 138575583


filename status author original source items
unstructured_data_plant_species.png original Aleksandra Badaczewska created in Inkscape -
data_lifecycle.png original Aleksandra Badaczewska created in Inkscape -
data_science.jpeg original - Adobe Stock 209214808

Section 02 - Introduction to Command Line:

GitHub location: datascience-workbook/02-IntroToCommandLine/assets/images

Title Banners

filename status author original source items
02_command_line_banner.png created Aleksandra Badaczewska Adobe Stock 79314639 ; 314046170 ; 238240773


filename status author original source items

Section 03 - Setting Up Computing Machine:

GitHub location: datascience-workbook/03-SetUpComputingMachine/assets/images

Title Banners

filename status author original source items
03_computer_setup_banner.png created Aleksandra Badaczewska Adobe Stock 402911738 ; 164562230


filename status author original source items

Section 04 - Development Environment:

GitHub location: datascience-workbook/04-DevelopmentEnvironment/assets/images

Title Banners

filename status author original source items
04_development_envir_banner.png created Aleksandra Badaczewska Adobe Stock 280198220 ; 348397404


filename status author original source items

Section 05 - Introduction to Programming:

GitHub location: datascience-workbook/05-IntroToProgramming/assets/images

Title Banners

filename status author original source items
05_programming_banner.png created Aleksandra Badaczewska Adobe Stock 183265735 ; 306184592 ; 186097438


filename status author original source items

Section 06 - High-Performance Computing:

GitHub location: datascience-workbook/06-IntroToHPC/assets/images

Title Banners

filename status author original source items
06_hpc_banner.png created Aleksandra Badaczewska Adobe Stock 470965870 ; 94353894


filename status author original source items

Section 07 - Data Acquisition and Wrangling:

GitHub location: datascience-workbook/07-DataParsing/assets/images

Title Banners

filename status author original source items
07_data_acquisition_banner.png created Aleksandra Badaczewska Adobe Stock 276394533 ; 303004081


filename status author original source items

Section 08 - Data Visualization:

GitHub location: datascience-workbook/08-DataVisualization/assets/images

Title Banners

filename status author original source items
08_data_visualization_banner.png created Aleksandra Badaczewska Adobe Stock 242020657 ; 199421802 ; 203558204 ; 276252110


GitHub location: datascience-workbook/08-DataVisualization/assets/images

filename status author original source items
gnuplot_bash_commands.png original Aleksandra Badaczewska - -
gnuplot_in_terminal.png original Aleksandra Badaczewska - -
gnuplot_interactive_window.png original Aleksandra Badaczewska - -
gnuplot_listing_dir.png original Aleksandra Badaczewska - -
gnuplot_plots_types.png original Aleksandra Badaczewska - -
gnuplot_simple_graph.png original Aleksandra Badaczewska - -

Section 09 - Project Management:

GitHub location: datascience-workbook/09-ProjectManagement/assets/images

Title Banners

filename status author original source items
09_project_management_banner.png created Aleksandra Badaczewska Adobe Stock 329233013


filename status author original source items

Other Images

filename status author original source items
Scallop_eyes2.jpg created Matthew Krumins Wikipedia File
alexander-sinn-KgLtFCgfC28-unsplash.jpg original photo Alexander Sinn Unsplash File
markus-spiske-qjnAnF0jIGk-unsplash.jpg original photo Markus Spiske Unsplash File
nasa-Q1p7bh3SHj8-unsplash.jpg original photo NASA Unsplash File
nasa-1lfI7wkGWZ4-unsplash.jpg original photo NASA Unsplash File
joshua-sortino-LqKhnDzSF-8-unsplash.jpg original photo Joshua Sortino Unsplash File
margaret-weir-GZyjbLNOaFg-unsplash.jpg original photo Margaret Weir Unsplash File