DataScience Workbook
08: Data Visualization
/ 2.
Introduction to scientific graphing
/ 2.1.
Gnuplot: creating plots in the UNIX Shell
/ 2.1.2. Gnuplot: filled curves
Gnuplot: Filled Curves for multiple data series
Further Reading
Plotly-Dash: interactive plotting with PythonIntroduction to Plotly (python)
Introduction to Dash (python)
Plotly graphing - interactive examples in the JupyterLab
Creating XY scatter plot
Creating 1D volcano plot
Creating heatmap
Creating dendrogram
Creating clustergram
RStudio – data processing & plotting with R
Creating boxplots in R
Creating heatmaps in R
Creating heatmaps in R using ComplexHeatmap
MODULE 09: Project Management