DataScience Workbook / 06: High-Performance Computing (HPC) / 6. Introduction to GNU parallel


Certain analyses can be time-consuming when they run on a single processor, especially when dealing with large datasets. A task is deemed trivially parallelizable if the data can be divided into chunks and processed independently.

Examples of data that can be easily parallelized

  • in general scenario:
    • when each line of a file can be processed individually
    • individual records in a database file
    • each section/module/subset of a large dataset
  • domain-specific examples:
    • each chromosome of a genome can be processed individually
    • each scaffold of an assembly can be processed individually
    • each image in a collection
    • individual transactions in financial data

Examples of problems that are trivially parallelizable

  • zipping or unzipping 10s to 100s of files
  • counting the number of lines in a large file
  • aligning raw sequencing data files of many samples to a genome
  • resizing a large batch of images
  • converting multiple video files to different formats
  • running simulations with different parameters on separate cores or nodes

Examples of problems that are not trivially parallelizable

  • Genome assembly is not trivially parallelizable because the first step requires alignment of each read to each other read in order to find which ones are similar and should be joined (assembled). Take a subset of the reads would result in a bunch of small poor assemblies.
  • Training a machine learning model on a single large dataset is not trivially parallelizable because the process typically involves iterating over the entire dataset multiple times to update model parameters, and breaking up the dataset could result in suboptimal model performance due to lack of global context.
  • Processing a large database query involving complex joins and aggregations is not trivially parallelizable because the relationships between different tables need to be preserved, and breaking up the query could lead to incorrect results or incomplete analysis.
  • Running a complex simulation with interdependent variables is not trivially parallelizable because each step of the simulation relies on the results of previous steps, and parallelizing it could introduce race conditions or synchronization issues.

GNU parallel for trivially parallelizable problems

The program that we use to parallelize a bioinformatics problem is GNU parallel. It is “a shell tool for executing jobs in parallel using one or more compute nodes”.

GNU parallel helps you run jobs that you would have otherwise run sequentially one by one or in a loop.

You can check the GNU parallel website ⤴ to determine how to install parallel on your cluster and/or learn how to use it.

On SCINet/Ceres, you can load parallel in version 20230222 (as of April 2024).
On SCINet/Atlas, you can load parallel in version 20200722 (as of April 2024).

Here, we load the module and look at the version

module load parallel
parallel --version
GNU parallel 20230222
Copyright (C) 2007-2023 Ole Tange, and Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <>
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
GNU parallel comes with no warranty.

Web site:

When using programs that use GNU Parallel to process data for publication
please cite as described in 'parallel --citation'.

getting-started parallel

Before proceeding with the hands-on example of using GNU Parallel, it’s essential to follow these steps to set up your environment on the HPC cluster.

  1. To log in to the HPC cluster in a terminal, use ssh with your user credentials and specific hostname at your HPC infrastructure. Alternatively, use the ODM access.
  2. Start an interactive session on a computing node using the command:
    salloc -N1 -n10 -t 1:00:00 -A <account>

    This command will give 1 Node with 10 cpu for a time of 1 hour. NOTE: If you see your granted allocation (e.g., salloc: Nodes Atlas-0025 are ready for job) but still on the login node, try ssh Atlas-0025 replacing “Atlas-0025” with your granted node.

  3. Navigate to your working directory with sufficient storage quota using cd command.
  4. Finally, check the availability of the parallel module with module avail parallel and load it with:
    module load parallel

Example dataset

We will be using COVID-19 data collated by New York Times github repository ⤴.

mkdir GNU-parallel
cd GNU-parallel
--2024-04-26 16:23:24--
Resolving (,,, ...
Connecting to (||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 104795654 (100M) [text/plain]
Saving to: ‘us-counties.csv’

100%[=======================================================================================>] 104,795,654 54.7MB/s   in 1.8s   

This (us-counties.csv) is a comma separated file so let’s convert it to a tab delimitated format:

more us-counties.csv  | tr ',' '\t' >

As you can see, this data contains the county and state information about the pandemic over time.


date    county  state   fips    cases   deaths
2020-01-21      Snohomish       Washington      53061   1       0
2020-01-22      Snohomish       Washington      53061   1       0
2020-01-23      Snohomish       Washington      53061   1       0
2020-01-24      Cook    Illinois        17031   1       0
2020-01-24      Snohomish       Washington      53061   1       0
2020-01-25      Orange  California      06059   1       0
2020-01-25      Cook    Illinois        17031   1       0
2020-01-25      Snohomish       Washington      53061   1       0
2020-01-26      Maricopa        Arizona 04013   1       0

Instead of one large file let’s split this data by county-state.

Using sort and awk we can first sort the file by county/state and then use awk to print each line ($0) to a file named

sort -k 2,3 | awk '{print $0 > $2"-"$3".tab"}'
What the script does?

This command pipeline performs two operations.
First, it sorts the lines of the file “” based on fields 2 (country) and 3 (state) using the sort command.
Then, it uses awk to print each line into a file named after the concatenation of the values in fields 2 and 3, with a .tab extension. So, for each unique combination of values in fields 2 and 3, a separate file is created containing the corresponding lines from the original file.


2020-03-17	Adair	Iowa	19001	1	0
2020-03-18	Adair	Iowa	19001	1	0
2020-03-19	Adair	Iowa	19001	1	0
2020-03-20	Adair	Iowa	19001	1	0
2020-03-21	Adair	Iowa	19001	1	0
2020-03-22	Adair	Iowa	19001	1	0
2020-03-23	Adair	Iowa	19001	1	0
2020-03-24	Adair	Iowa	19001	1	0
2020-03-25	Adair	Iowa	19001	1	0
2020-03-26	Adair	Iowa	19001	1	0

This will generate 3241 files + the original 2 files we downloaded:

ls | wc
   3243    3243   62968

GNU examples

Gzipping N text files using gzip

Learning objectives

  • How to use parallel with gzip to zip many files simultaneously?
  • The anatomy of a parallel command.

Let’s make a copy of the data and compare how long it takes to run gzip using a for loop vs using parallel

mkdir -p gzip/parallel
mkdir -p gzip/forloop
cp *.tab gzip/parallel
cp *.tab gzip/forloop

Gzip using a for loop

We can do this using a for loop as follows:
your expected location on the HPC: GNU-parallel/gzip/forloop

cd gzip/forloop
time for f in *.tab; do gzip $f; done
real    0m15.801s
user    0m1.414s
sys     0m5.045s

Gzip using parallel

However, we can make better use of all the available CPUs by using GNU parallel. The syntax of the function is as follows:

parallel command keyword
-j10 number of jobs or cpus to use for processing. Here we are using 10 cpus.
"command" in this case gzip {} where {} is a place holder for substituting a list of files defined after the delimiter
::: the delimiter
.tab is a wildcard (*) pattern that matches all filenames in the current directory with a ".tab" extension
cd ../parallel
time parallel -j10 "gzip {}" ::: *.tab
real    0m6.405s
user    0m6.872s
sys     0m11.623s

As you can see this sped up the gziping command by a factor of 2.3. This may vary depending on the number of cpus you have and their speed.

Here is how you can unzip all the files with the parallel speedup. It takes about the same amount of time.

parallel -j10 "gunzip {}" ::: *.tab.gz
real    0m5.519s
user    0m0.376s
sys     0m1.367s

If you want to unzip them you can run this command

time parallel -j10 "gunzip {}" ::: *.tab.gz

listing all the files using ls

Learning objectives

  • parallel has a time overhead when it starts and as it runs

The ls is a simple command and shouldn’t take very long to run in parallel.

cd ../..
time parallel -j10 "ls {}" ::: *.tab > /dev/null

Interestingly, this is about the same amount of time it takes to run a simple ls command on each file using parallel.

real    0m5.955s
user    0m6.713s
sys     0m10.994s

Above, I am redirecting the output to the null device, so it doesn’t print the output to standard output (i.e., terminal console).

However, if we add the -X parameter it finishes in a fraction of the time.

time parallel -X -j10 "ls {}" ::: *.tab > /dev/null
real    0m0.333s
user    0m0.210s
sys     0m0.214s

This is because there is some overhead from the parallel command starting a new shell and opening files for buffering. The -X will tell parallel not to do this as it is all on the same node.

As you can compare below, the parallel is actually slower than just typing ls *.gz.

time ls *.gz > /dev/null
real    0m0.277s
user    0m0.017s
sys     0m0.079s

So, parallel is great when you have lots of data and lots of files in the data or if a task is taking a really long time using a single processor but overhead of the command will make it slower if the dataset is too small.

Unfortunately, repeating the gzipping example from above using this parameter does not give as significant of an improvement as the ls example.

time parallel -X -j10 "gzip {}" ::: *.tab
real    0m5.438s
user    0m0.492s
sys     0m1.398s

Some of the difference may be due to IO speed writing to a JBOD on your HPC. You may get improved results if you are running this example on local scratch space on a node or are testing this on your local laptop.

feeding more input files with parallel

Learning objectives

  • How to use parallel with programs that take more than one input?
  • :::+

A good example of this in bioinformatics is aligning paired-end reads to a genome. Every sample has a forward (Left) and reverse (right) read pair.

For this example, we will be aligning several small sample files to a genome using bowtie2.
Let’s download a toy example from Arabidopsis.
I grabbed the first 250 sequences from four Arabidposis samples taken from NCBI’s SRA database.

Download the example raw data

mkdir bowtie
cd bowtie
tar -zxvf fastqfiles.tar.gz

The reads are in a directory named fastqfiles:

Left Reads:


Right reads


Download Arabidopsis genome:

gunzip TAIR10_chr_all.fas.gz

Create the bowtie2 alignment database for the Arabidopsis genome

module load bowtie2

# this next command will build a bowtie2 database named tair
bowtie2-build  TAIR10_chr_all.fas tair tair

mkdir bwt_index
mv tair.*bt2 bwt_index

The genome index files *.bt2 are located in a directory called bwt_index.

We decide to write the output SAM and log files to sam_out:

mkdir sam_out

We can design a bash script with the bowtie2 command for each pair separately. Obviously if dealing with hundreds of files this could become cumbersome!

module load bowtie2
bowtie2 --threads 4 -x bwt_index/tair -k1 -q -1 fastqfiles/SRR4420293_1.fastq.gz -2 fastqfiles/SRR4420293_2.fastq.gz -S sam_out/third_R1.sam >& sam_out/third.log
bowtie2 --threads 4 -x bwt_index/tair -k1 -q -1 fastqfiles/SRR4420294_1.fastq.gz -2 fastqfiles/SRR4420294_2.fastq.gz -S sam_out/fourth_R1.sam >& sam_out/fourth.log
bowtie2 --threads 4 -x bwt_index/tair -k1 -q -1 fastqfiles/SRR4420295_1.fastq.gz -2 fastqfiles/SRR4420295_2.fastq.gz -S sam_out/fifth_R1.sam >& sam_out/fifth.log

GNU parallel let’s us automate this task by using a combination of substitution and separators notably ::: and :::+. We can also make optimum use of the available threads.

module load bowtie2
module load parallel

mkdir sam_parallel
time parallel -j2 "bowtie2 --threads 4 -x bwt_index/tair -k1 -q -1 {1} -2 {2} -S sam_parallel/{1/.}.sam >& sam_parallel/{1/.}.log" ::: fastqfiles/*_1.fastq.gz :::+ fastqfiles/*_2.fastq.gz

You may have also noticed some new syntax where we are using {1}, {2}, {1/.} and {2/.}.

  • The {1} will give us the first file and {2} the second from the list taking two at a time.
  • The {1/.} and {2/.} will take the prefix of the file name before the “.”.

splitting a large task to utilize all CPUs

Let’s consider a large file named test.fa. Our objective is to count the number of lines in this FASTA file.

You can download the example Trinity file using the following commands:

mkdir trinity
cd trinity

The file should look something like this:

head test.fa
>TRINITY_DN22368_c0_g1_i1 len=236 path=[427:0-235] [-1, 427, -2]
>TRINITY_DN22345_c0_g1_i1 len=615 path=[593:0-614] [-1, 593, -2]

We have reserved a node and are making use of 10 cpus on Ceres and we decide to run the wc -l command to find the number of lines. We can also use the unix command time to see how much time it takes to run the command.

time wc -l test.fa
1082567 test.fa

real	0m1.237s
user	0m0.025s
sys	0m0.057s

Now using parallel we can take advantage of the 10 cpus and spread this job over all the cpus:

parallel -a test.fa --pipepart --block -1  time wc -l


  • -a option means input is read from a file
  • --pipepart: pipe parts of a file**
see the expected output
real	0m0.021s
user	0m0.005s
sys	0m0.002s

real	0m0.023s
user	0m0.002s
sys	0m0.005s

real	0m0.026s
user	0m0.002s
sys	0m0.005s

real	0m0.023s
user	0m0.005s
sys	0m0.002s

real	0m0.021s
user	0m0.005s
sys	0m0.002s

real	0m0.021s
user	0m0.003s
sys	0m0.003s

real	0m0.022s
user	0m0.002s
sys	0m0.004s

real	0m0.019s
user	0m0.002s
sys	0m0.005s

real	0m0.020s
user	0m0.003s
sys	0m0.003s

real	0m0.021s
user	0m0.003s
sys	0m0.003s

Notice that less time is required when each block is counted by each CPU. In this case, the longest time is 0.026 seconds, compared to 1.237 seconds when parallel processing is not utilized.

other useful parameters

The --joblog option of the parallel command creates a log file that records information about the jobs executed by parallel. This log file typically includes details such as the command executed, the start and end times of each job, and any errors encountered during execution. It provides a record of the parallel processing tasks for later analysis or reference.

executing Blast in parallel

See Running NCBI-BLAST jobs in parallel.