
This PBS cheatsheet provides a quick reference guide to commonly used PBS commands, as well as explanations of the different PBS directives and their usage.

Quick reference sheet for PBS resource manager

These PBS commands allow users to manage their jobs in the queue and monitor their status. Users can use these commands to:

  • check the progress of their jobs,
  • make modifications to the job parameters,
  • and cancel or hold jobs if necessary.

By using these PBS commands, users can efficiently manage their jobs on the cluster and ensure that they are using the resources effectively.

Job control commands

Commands Function Basic Usage Example
qsub submit a job qsub [script] qsub job.pbs
qsub -I submits an interactive job qsub -I qsub -I
qdel deletes a job from the queue qdel [job_id] qdel 123456
qhold puts a job on hold, preventing it from running qhold [job_id] qhold 123456
qrls releases a job from hold, allowing it to run qrls [job_id] qrls 123456
qreturn return a batch job qreturn [job_id] qreturn 123456
qmove move a batch job to another queue qmove [job_id] [new_queue] qmove 123456 short

Job monitoring commands

Commands Function Example
qstat show status of batch jobs qstat
qstat -u [user] displays the status of all jobs submitted by a specific user qstat -u myuser
qstat [job_id] display the status of a specific job qstat 123456
qstat -f [job_id] displays more detailed information about a specific job qstat -f 123456
qstat -q [queue_name] display the status of jobs in a specific queue qstat -q short
qselect select a specific subset of jobs qselect
qselect -u [user] select all job IDs submitted by a specific user qselect -u myuser
qselect -N [jobname] select all job IDs with a specific job name qselect -N job_name
qselect -s R select all job IDs that are currently running
The -s option specifies the job state to filter by. “R” stands for “Running”.
qselect -s R

Node status commands

Commands Function Example
pbsnodes display the status of all nodes in the cluster pbsnodes
pbsnodes [node_name] display the status of a specific node pbsnodes nova-123456
pbsnodes -a [node_name] display more detailed information about a specific node pbsnodes -a nova-123456
pbsnodes -s [state] display the status of nodes in a specific state pbsnodes -s down
pbsnodes -l property=value display the status of nodes with specific properties pbsnodes -l mem=16gb

PBS environment variables

variable description
PBS_ENVIRONMENT set to PBS_BATCH to indicate that the job is a batch job; otherwise, set to PBS_INTERACTIVE to indicate that the job is a PBS interactive job
PBS_JOBID the job identifier assigned to the job by the batch system
PBS_JOBNAME the job name supplied by the user
PBS_NODEFILE the name of the file that contains the list of the nodes assigned to the job
PBS_QUEUE the name of the queue from which the job is executed
PBS_O_HOME value of the HOME variable in the environment in which qsub was executed
PBS_O_LANG value of the LANG variable in the environment in which qsub was executed
PBS_O_LOGNAME value of the LOGNAME variable in the environment in which qsub was executed
PBS_O_PATH value of the PATH variable in the environment in which qsub was executed
PBS_O_MAIL value of the MAIL variable in the environment in which qsub was executed
PBS_O_SHELL value of the SHELL variable in the environment in which qsub was executed
PBS_O_TZ value of the TZ variable in the environment in which qsub was executed
PBS_O_HOST the name of the host upon which the qsub command is running
PBS_O_QUEUE the name of the original queue to which the job was submitted
PBS_O_WORKDIR the absolute path of the current working directory of the qsub command

source: Quick Tutorial for Portable Batch System (PBS) ⤴

PBS submission script

Here’s a template PBS script with commonly used #PBS directives:


#PBS -N job_name
#PBS -o output_file
#PBS -e error_file
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=8
#PBS -l mem=16gb
#PBS -l walltime=1:00:00
#PBS -m abe

cd /path/to/working/directory

# your commands go below
echo "Hello, world!"

#PBS directives

The table provides a brief explanation of the commonly used #PBS directives in the PBS submission script.

directives description
#!/bin/bash specifies the interpreter to be used for the script
#PBS -N job_name sets the name of the job
#PBS -o output_file specifies the name of the file to which standard output will be written
#PBS -e error_file specifies the name of the file to which standard error will be written
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=8 specifies the number of nodes and processors per node needed for the job
#PBS -l mem=16gb specifies the amount of memory needed for the job
#PBS -l walltime=1:00:00 specifies the maximum wall time for the job
#PBS -M specifies the email address to which notifications should be sent
#PBS -m abe specifies the types of notifications to be sent.
The a option sends email when the job is aborted,
b sends email when the job begins,
and e sends email when the job ends.
#PBS -d /path/to/working/directory specify the working directory where the job will be executed